You wouldn’t eat 16 teaspoons of sugar, so why drink it?

VACCHO and Rethink Sugary Drink have partnered to highlight the significant health problems associated with sugary drink consumption and encourage Victorian Aboriginal people to rethink their consumption.  VACCHO Logo

Did you know there are about 16 teaspoons of sugar in a 600ml bottle of regular soft drink? Or about nine teaspoons in a sports drink? Rethink Sugary Drink

Check out the video: VACCHO Video

VACCHO, the Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation, was established in 1996. It’s the peak Aboriginal health body representing 100% of Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations  in Victoria. 

Why Constitutional Recognition Matters: hear from community leaders

RECOGNISE-FeatureToday Australia prides itself on being a place of fairness, but our Constitution still does not recognise the first Australians.

Tens of thousands of people from all walks of life have already declared their support to recognise the first Australians in our founding document.  The growing RECOGNISE campaign is the people’s movement to recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the Australian Constitution.  RECOGNISE hosted a major event for community leaders from across Australia late last year, where over 650 people came to show their support for the coming referendum.  Hear why constitutional recognition matters to them: Recognise Video